You might think - this is not a fashion blog, it's a freakin beauty blog, what is that crazy girl doin?! Oh hold your horses, ladies, I've wanted to get a bit of fashion sprinkle on this blog for ages, but just didn't know how to go about it. Today I came across this 31 day fashion challenge on Knight's Eclectic who was linking back to the Flying Saucer, who came up with this little big idea.
I think it's a brilliant idea and although more fashion-sensed ladies might find it all easy-peasy I believe it's gonna be a real challenge for me. Obviously I do have some sort of fashion taste, however it developed over past year or so and before that, I was, if I put it in nice words, I pure tomboy. In my teens you probably wouldn't have put your hand in the fire on my gender. No jokes. I had short spiky hair and my everyday attire was a khaki tank top with khaki army pants (yeh, I said it, and yeh, I am a village girl, so I guess that sorta excuses me to a certain level? hopefully.). This challenge therefore seems like a great way to start working on the fashion side of not only my blog, but also me. Let's face it - I need this challenge in my life. Thank you Flying Saucer & Knight's Eclectic for a (hopefully) valuable contribution to my fashion taste. *bows* 

Now what does this challenge really mean?
Every day I will try to compile a post on the subject given by the challenger. Obviously, I'm not abandoning my lipsticks and nail polishes and running towards pretty dresses and headbands, I will keep posting some little beauty bits, however every day or at least every other day I will try to stick to the subject given. Let's see how it goes.      

#1 Your wardrobe
#2 You have the most...
#3 Something you're wearing for the first time
#4 Your favourite print
#5 Your best bargain
#6 Something out of your comfort zone but you love it
#7 A special occasion outfit
#8 Something you forget you have but love
#9 The item at the top of your wishlist
#10 Cute tights
#11 Your spring essential
#12 The outfit you've had the best times in
#13 Your lazy day at home with style (in front of your housemates/bf/visitor) outfit
#14 The item that was hardest to hunt down/buy
#15 Nail art/your favourite polish and your nail varnish collection
#16 A customised item
#17 Something you wear when it's sunny
#18 Your brightest lipstick
#19 An article of clothing/jewellery that instantly makes you feel great
#20 Shoes you love but hardly wear
#21 Something that is your favourite brand
#22 A piece of clothing or jewelry that was a gift
#23 Something from your favourite store
#24 The item that brings all the boys to the yard
#25 A totally YOU outfit
#26 What's in your bag
#27 Inspired by your style icon
#28 Something everyone has now
#29 Face of the day
#30 Pretty hair
#31 The thing you're obsessed with at the moment!

Who wants to join me & the pretty girls who inspired me?